Well today I will try and update you on all the new changes for Hayden for the last couple days. We also have some new pictures for you guys to enjoy (and pictures of Tim's parents getting to hold Hayden).
Yesterday he did pretty well, he gained back another ounce which was really good! That puts him back up to 3 lbs. and 1 ounce! He also did pretty good with his suckling again last night and hopefully sometime this week they will let him start bottle-feeding a little bit. They said that they will start him on one bottle feeding per day and the rest tube feedings and then they will gradually increase him one feeding until he makes it up to taking all 8 of his feedings by bottle. Yesterday they had also increased his feedings to 9 mls. per hour or 27 mls. every three hours.
Today, he has had another great day! I went in and the first thing they told me was "He needs a diaper change and we think its a major stinky!!" So, I changed it and he must have been saving up for me all day! Oh how I wished that Tim had been there to change it and not me (since he has never before in his life changed a stinky diaper). I would've loved to see the look on his face!
Pretty much everything is still the same with him today, he is still getting the same amount of food and he is still doing good breathing on his own. He is having a little trouble with reflux when he eats so that is why they are progressing slower on his feeding process. He is also still on continuous feedings so he has to be able to go every three hours on his feedings before he can bottle feed. Also, I have not had a chance to find out how much he weighs yet so that may be on tomorrow's post.
Its hard to believe that we are already up to 47 days! He will probably be here at least another 47 days before he finally gets home. But that is ok as long as he is healthy and keeps making progress in the right direction. Sometimes it feels endless but we keep trusting God and he is helping us make it through. Through it all, we have to keep remembering to be glad for the small accomplishments and not expecting leaps and bounds. He has done so remarkably well for a baby his size and continues to make the doctors and nurses very impressed with how well he is doing. Please just keep him in your prayers as we still have a long road ahead of us. We love you all!
Tim, Hilary, and Hayden
Great looking Grandparents for a beautiful little miracle. TeAnn Wagner Muscatine