Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 2

Dear Readers,
To give you an update on our precious baby Hayden, he is breathing on his own and through a SIPAP machine that gives him regular room oxygen. He is going to try some breastmilk from a feeding tube later today if everything goes well and he could be eating at regular intervals by tomorrow. I went to see him early this morning and he just grasped my finger and didn't want to let go. He can recognize my voice I think and he moves towards me when I go in to talk to him and tell him how much I love him and can't wait till I can hold him. It breaks my heart to see him so tiny and fragile and know that there is nothing I can do for him right now. But we are trusting that everything is going to be ok and that God is holding Hayden in his hands. Please keep us and Hayden in your prayers.



  1. Hilary,
    God is guiding the steps of this journey one day at a time! How exciting to anticipate the testimony that you, Tim, and Hayden will one day share!! I am just so proud of how positive you both are staying, and how you both are sharing your faith in God during the most difficult circumstances! Keeping you all in our prayers...and can't wait to come see my great nephew soon (and you and Tim too)!
    ~Aunt Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie! We really appreciate all the prayers! It has been difficult but hopefully Hayden will keep getting better and stronger. Yeah come see us and Hayden soon! Love you all!

  2. Hilary,
    My dear friend at Liberty Law told me about your little one, and as a mommy, I am touched by what you are going through right now with Hayden. I am praying for him, and you and your husband. These verses are on my heart for you:

    Psalm 71:5-6
    For thou art my hope, O Lord God : thou art my trust from my youth. By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.

    Bless y'all in Jesus' name!
    Charissa Graham
    Winston Salem, NC

    1. Thank you so much Charissa! We are so especially thankful for your prayers and for the words of encouragement and scripture. We are believing that God is going to work a miracle in Hayden. God bless you and thank you for all the prayers!
