Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 24

Well......I have an extremely big accomplishment to report on Hayden tonight!! He is off of his breathing machine altogether and he has went to regular 3 liters per minute of oxygen! NO MORE VENT OR SIPAP!! That means that now he is breathing ALL BY HIMSELF! No more extra help breathing, now he just gets a little extra oxygen to help him out. He is doing great with this change and seems like he is doing a really good job keeping himself breathing. The nurses are super excited about his progress and this is such a huge huge step for him! We are just gonna keep praying that he continues to do this well and that he continues to make such rapid progress.

He also has made it back up to 18 mls. per every three hours and this has caused him to chubby up a little bit. He has made it back up to 2 lbs. and 5 ozs! He has also had two more regular poo poos which means that his tummy is back to normal! No more problems there either. He is also off of all of his IV fluids! He still has the IV lock in his arm but thats just in case he needs more IVs later (which at this point since he is doing so well, they don't anticipate). They also said that his blood sugar looks really good as well and that he is not running as sweet as he has been lately.

Both Tim and I got to hold him tonight and he did SO well. No apnea or spells with his breathing and he also maintained his heart rate really well. He was back to his normal self today and he was very smiley and happy. He is such a little sweetheart and he really really is such a trooper. Also tonight he was playing with Daddy and they were having a whole lot of fun. Every time Daddy would stick out his tongue, so would Hayden. That got lots of smiles from Mommy and Daddy.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. We are just amazed at what God is doing with Hayden and how fast he is progressing and how much he is accomplishing. Thank you all so much for your prayers and your love! Keep us in your thoughts! We love you all.

Tim, Hilary, and Hayden


  1. Amazing!!! So great to hear all the good news. What great pictures too. Prayers continue for all of you and praise is being lifted tonight to our loving, gracious, Father who is still doing miracles! Love you all.

  2. That is so very very wonderful!!!
