Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 26

Today Hayden has had another great day. He seems to be responding really well to the blood transfusion. He is more alert and more happy than yesterday. This has also helped him not to have so many heart episodes. Overall, he seems like he feels much much better.

He also got a new incubator today. It is pretty much the same as the one he had, except they told me that its an older model that they use for less critical care babies. So now I call it his "big boy incubator" because it is a small step in the way of not needing one at all (eventually).
He is also doing great with the change in the oxygen levels. Since they took him down to 2 yesterday he has pretty much stayed in room air. Basically what the machine does is force the air up into his nose to help him breath. But he no longer actually has a machine that breathes FOR him. The nurse said that the next step for him is to go down to 1 liter and then after he does well with that, they can take him off of it altogether and he will be breathing like a regular newborn would. This is soooo huge for him and it is such a big accomplishment!! They have also told me that if he keeps doing this well with his breathing, I may be able to try a little experimental breast feeding in a few weeks! YAY!

He is still a very smiley and happy baby and the nurses say that he is just such a sweetheart. He continues to be our little miracle and he continues to make such good progress. He is such a fighter and has such spirit already (Lord help us when he gets older haha). Continue to pray for our miracle that he would get to come home to us soon and that he continues to do this well. We greatly appreciate you all and all of your love and support.

Tim, Hilary, and Hayden

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