Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 9

NO SIPAP!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Yeah. Baby Hayden is off the SiPAP finally, they have put him on a regular nasal cannula. He has also been bumped up to 5 mls of milk every 3 hours (for those of you that failed math like me, 5 mls is equal to 1 teaspoon). He had an ultrasound done on his heart this afternoon and we will be getting the results from that tomorrow, and let you know how it went. Baby Hayden is now 9 days old and he is starting to show his personality. When the nurse put the probe on him for the ultrasound he was not happy, and he started throwing a fit. He was kicking and whining. At the same time showing us that our first assessment was correct that he is a fighter, and he will not quit. Thanks for all your prayers and keep them coming. 


  1. praying about the heart ultrasound and for little hayden's breathing and increased feeding, hard to even imagine that tiny amount. You all are continually being lifted to the our
    Father in prayer.

  2. Thanks Sherry!! We appreciate it so much!
