Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 33

Today Hayden has had another great day. His breathing and heart rate have improved today and he only had one event early this morning (and none at all last night). He is back on the room air but they did increase his oxygen to 2 and a half liters instead of the 2 that he was on. They have told me that by 35 or 36 weeks he should mostly have grown out of his spells where he drops his heart rate.
Also, he is still getting his continuous feedings but he is up to 27 calories per feeding instead of the 24 that he had been getting. They said this should really help him be able to put on weight faster. Speaking of which, he is now up to 2 lbs. and 9 ozs!!!!!! We are so so happy! That is such a great improvement and he looks so much better now that he did even a week ago. He is starting to really look like a miniature full term baby now.
Overall he is doing great and he is continuing to show his personality. Today we found out that the nurses have noticed he doesn't like the dark. He does much better with his breathing and heart rate when they leave his bedside light on and pull back his sunshade. I don't know why that is but it works! Also this week his activity has greatly increased and he is wiggling out of his bed and doing high kicks and punches. He is extremely squirmy and just doesn't want to sit still.
We appreciate you all so much and all of your prayers for Hayden. Thank you for all that you have done for us! We love you and please continue to keep praying for our little miracle baby!

Tim, Hilary, and Hayden (aka little miracle)

1 comment:

  1. Prayers continue for all of you!!! Sounds like he is improving.... on his own schedule!! Exciting I'm sure to see him wiggling and punching around!!We'll have to find him a night light for when he goes home!!! Perfect baby... he already is understanding he is to live in the LIGHT!! :) Love and prayers, Elaine
